Support Our Mission!
For years, many New Zealanders have been unaware of the scale and nature of this problem, while taxpayer dollars have continued to fund abortions through the public health system. These practices not only take the lives of children but also leave deep emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical scars on the women involved. Families, too, are deeply affected, often struggling with the long-lasting consequences of this procedure.
But we do not have to remain silent. As people who value life, we are called to stand up for the most vulnerable members of our society—the unborn. By educating ourselves and others, and by compassionately sharing the reality of abortion, we can help change hearts and minds across New Zealand.
Together, we CAN turn the tide on this issue. By shining a light on what happens behind closed doors in abortion clinics, we can help protect both unborn children and their families from the trauma of abortion. But this crucial work needs support. Your donation can help us spread the truth, distribute life-affirming materials, and engage in conversations that save lives.
Will you join us in this mission to defend the rights of the unborn in New Zealand? Your generosity will enable us to continue reaching our communities, one conversation at a time, to make a real, lasting difference. Please consider donating today to support this vital work.
Account owner: NZ Centre For Bio Ethical Reform Inc
Account number: 38-9026-0356444-00
Thank you for your Support towards Ending the Killing In NZ
This life-saving, boots-on-the-ground work is only possible through your generous financial support. People like you make it possible to place materials in hands, bring conversations to doorsteps and street corners, and to shine a light on what is being hidden from Kiwis behind the closed doors of abortion clinics and hospitals across Aotearoa. Will you join us today?
100% of all donations go towards ending the killing in NZ